Tree Trimming – And – Roadwork

Beginning January 3, 2019, crews from Williamson County will be trimming trees in our area to provide better clearance for fire trucks and emergency vehicles and roadwork vehicles to drive our streets.  Shrubs and trees that overhang the streets will be raised to a clearance height of 14 feet above the roadway, and 1 foot behind the curb or edge of pavement.  Neighbors who  prefer to do their own tree trimming are asked to comply with the 14-foot requirement.  See below for info about trimming oaks.  WilCO was distributing bright-green door hangers to residents.

Roadwork will follow for all neighborhood streets.  Crews will begin by applying crack sealant and leveling:  this project could begin with or soon after the tree trimming.  However resurfacing of the streets is currently scheduled for May-August, 2019.

Oak Trees:  this is also a good time to trim oak trees.  Due to Oak Wilt concerns, trees should not be trimmed from February – June:  winter is the best time to prune oaks. and Texas A&M Forest Service provide much information about Oak Wilt, how to identify and manage, as well as steps to take to prevent the disease.

Our NASWC community has many oak trees, some of which are very old and large.  Our beautiful trees are an important part of our neighborhood environment and we encourage neighbors to take care of their trees, especially when deciding to prune the oaks.

The least hazardous periods for pruning are during the coldest days in midwinter and extended hot periods in mid to late summer.  Regardless of season, all tools should be clean and pruning cuts or other wounds to trees should be treated immediately with a wound or latex paint.  And please remember,

Don’t Prune – February to June

NASWC has small yard signs available to remind neighbors not to prune when trees are most susceptible to spread of Oak Wilt. To request a sign, click here.